Holistic Health Service |
WHAT ABOUT THE DOSAGE FOR COLLOIDAL SILVER? Most adults will take one teaspoon for 4 to 7 days then cut that down to about 1/2 teaspoon. Children or babies would be a proportionally smaller dose. Another way to determine dose is kinesiology or muscle testing. Optimum dose may require more or less ciloidal silver. WHAT ABOUT USING COLLOIDAL SILVER FOR PETS? Yes! ne amount you use is dependent on the size. Whether it be a cat or as large as a horse. Use a dropper to put it down their throat or just put it on their food or in their water. DOES COLLOIDAL SILVER CUT OUT THE NEED TO SEE MY DOCTOR? Colloidal silver is a great product but your health is important. When the situation calls for it, call your family doctor. WHAT ABOUT OTHER BRANDS OF COLLOIDAL SILVER? We are starting to see crude forms of colloidal silver coming onto the market claiming to be a better product. These other- products are usually very dark and grey to black in color. You can actually see small particles of silver floating in it. You have to remember how microscopically small a virus or bacteria is. Only colloidal silver that is 0.01 to about 0.001 microyis in diameter will work. The best quality of colloidal silver will be clear and gold in color. Ours is prepared in a multi-million dollar facility using the most sophisticated hi-tech equipment to both ionize the silver and electro- magnetically charge it. DOES COLLOIDAL SILVER HAVE TO BE REFRIGERATED? Keep colloidal silver in a cool dark cupboard, never on a sunny window ledge or in the refrigerator. The shelf life of colloidal silver is 3 to 4 months. You will notice small particles forming the longer you have it. Tlis is some small amounts of silver that are clumping togrther. This is not harmful. Usually shaking the bottles will make these particles disappear or you can filter the colloidal silver usuing a cheesecloth or a coffee filter if you desire it. |