Holistic Health Service |
COPYRIGHT STATEMENT All Holistic Health Service (HHS) documents, photographs, graphics and web pages are registered with the U.S. Copyright Office. This includes other web sites that HHS has created. For those of you not familiar with copyright law that means we can pursue infringes for much more than "actual" damages, including attorneys fees. We ask that you do not copy our work without purchase or permission. If you want to add our work to your site, our images and text are available for very reasonable costs. The majority of the images on the HHS site are freeware and can be copied or redistributed. However, in the future non-freeware images (not owned by HHS) may be added to the HHS site. Any copied graphic that is not owned by HHS or not freeware will be hyperlinked back to the owner except where no requirement exists to do so. Such images may not be copied without permission from the owners. These graphics are not included in the graphics that are copyrighted by HHS. If you have any further questions regarding the copying, usage or distribution of our images or text, contact us. |