Holistic Health Service |
WHAT ARE THE SIDE EFFECTS OF COLLOIDAL SILVER? There are NO KNOWN SIDE EFFECTS that have ever been recorded from the use of colloidal silver according to the medical literature. Additionally there has never been a recorded case of a drug interaction with any other drug. It is non-addicting, the body does not build up a tolerance to it and studies show that colloidal silver is NOT deposited under the skin like other silver com- pounds which causes grey skin. It is tasteless, odorless, non-toxic, non-stinging to the eyes, safe for pregnant and lactating women. SO HOW COULD I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF COLLOIDAL SILVER? Seventy years ago, colloidal silver was widely used. It priced itself out of the market due to the high cost of manufacturing it. Colloidal Silver retailed for about $100.per ounce back in the 1930's. Recently, a big breakthrough in process chemical engineering has brought the price down 80% back to where it can compete in the medical marketplace. Numerous articles in medical journals on colloidal silver can be found usually dating before 1940. New articles and data will soon be appearing as more doctors rediscover this safe but effective mineral solution. WHAT DOES THE F.D.A. SAY ABOUT COLLOIDAL SILVER? Colloidal silver is considered to be a pre-1938 drug and may be, continued to be marketed without submitted evidence of safety and effectiveness which is required of all prescription drugs marketed after 1938 as long as it is adver-tiesed and labeled for same use as in 1938. Other pre-1938 drugs include morphine sulfate and thyroid tablets. HAS IT BEEN MEDICALLY TESTED? Yes! Colloidal Silver has been successfully tested at the UCLA Medical Labs. where it was antibacterial for Streptococ- cus, Pyogenes, Staphylococcus anteus, Neisseria gonorrhea, Cardnerella vaginalis, Salmonella typhi, and other enteric pathogens, and fungicidal for Candida albicans, Candida globata, and M. furfur. Dr. Henry Crooks found that silver in the colloidal state is highly germicidal, quite harmless to humans, and non- toxic. The Environmental Protection Agency's Poison Control Center reports no toxicity listing for colloidal silver. They consider it harmless in any concentration. |