Holistic Health Service |
HERB - IRON (Organic Iron Formula) This is an excellent formula for supplying the body's need for organic iron. Without iron, the body can't produce hemoglobin, and without hemoglobin, only a trace of oxygen will reach the cells. Without sufficient oxygen in the cells, the body can't produce energy, which results in disease and death. Anemia is the condition that results from hemoglobin, or poor blood. LIPISTOP (Limits Fat Absorption) Lipistop is a nutritional supplement that complexes dietary fat and provides 50% of the USRDA for Magnesium. When dietary fats are complexed or broken down, they will not be absorbed by the body, which is very important in weight control and in the control of cholesterol and tryglyceride levels. NATE- 3 (All Chronic Conditions) This formula contains six of the most virtuous herbs known to man. All of them have been tried, tested and approved by long clinical experience, chemical analysis, and scientific observation, to be of great therapeutic value in the treatment of chronic disease. Recommended for all chronic, purulent and dyscrasic conditions. B & B TINCTURE (Equilibrium & Hearing loss) This formula is used in conditions such as poor equilibrium, loss of hearing, poor motor nerve functions, epileptic seizures, sore throat, hiccups and other nervous conditions. NE-R-VE (Nerve restoration formula) This formula has been used for over thirty years to help relieve nervous tension and insomnia. It is mildly stimulating and yet lessens the irritability and excitement of the nervous system, and also lessens or reduces pain. This formula contains herbs that feed and revitalize the motor nerve at the base of the skull, and also helps to rebuild the spinal cord. These herbs will also rebuild the frayed nerve sheath, the nerve and its capillaries. E-Y-E (Eye restoration formula) This formula is excellent for brightening and healing the eyes, and it is known to remove the cataracts and heavy film from the eyes. Make this into tea form and put into a glass eye cup. There will be a slight burning sensation when using the cayenne in the eye at first, but there is nothing to be concerned about. Tip the head back and apply the eye cup to the eye. Blink the eye several times in the beginning of the treatment, and don't try to hold the eye open too long. After you have been using the formula for a while, you will be able to hold the eyes open for a longer period. PYCNOGENOL (Free radical scavenger) This is one of the best free radical scavenging antioxidants available today. Pycnogenol helps our bodies resist blood vessel and skin damage, mental deterioration, inflammation and other damage caused by harmful free radicals. Free radicals destroy cells by damaging their membranes. This type of damage accelerates the aging process as tissues lose their function due to the steadily decreasing number of cells. Today some fifty to sixty diseases are recognized as having free radicals involved in their causes or manifestation. The addition of Pycnogenol to your diet can help prevent the major killer diseases such as heart disease, cancer and aging, and debilitating diseases such as arthritis, asthma and Alzheimer's disease. |