Holistic Health Service |
THY - RO - BAL (Thyroid Formula) This is an excellent formula for nourishing the Thyroid Gland and it is very helpful in any conditions of hyper or hypothyroidism and Goiters. The formula supplies natural iodine which is necessary for the proper functioning of the Thyroid Gland. WILLARD WATER (Catalyst Water) Add 1 oz. of Willard Water Concentrate to a gallon of Distilled Water and you have Catalyst Water. The catalyst causes the water molecules to chemically combine and form together in a different arrangement than is normally found in H2O). This change at the molecular level of water alters it's properties which are very favorable to all living organisms. Catalyst water balances the PH factor in the body, activates the enzymes in the body, aids in digestion, often has a calming effect on the body and transports nutrients into the cells while forcing toxins out. It may be helpful in conditions of Arthritis, High Blood Pressure, Rashes, Allergies, Burns and it also increases absorption of nutrients and other substances from 20 to 85%. CALM (Nervous System Blend) This is food for the nerves, which control all of the body's functions under the direction of the brain. This blend of herbs has been helpful in conditions of Insomnia, Nervous Disorders, Convulsions, Stress, Hyperactivity, Headache, and many others that are related to Nervous System dysfunction. DRIVE (Reproductive System) This combination helps to rebuild the Sex Glands. It is used by both male and female to help overcome sexual apathy. It is especially good for infertility problems and has also been helpful in cases of Impotency, Frigidity, Endurance, Longevity, and Vitality. It is also a Sex Stimulant. GINKGO BILOBA (Liquid Extract) Ginkgo Biloba is the name of an ancient tree which provides remarkable benefits in promoting the health of the entire human body. The Ginkgo Biloba Tree has existed for over 250 million years. The Chinese began using Ginkgo over 2,800 years ago for problems that accompany the aging process- including poor circulation, memory loss, and general mental deterioration. Extensive Scientific evidence strongly indicates that Ginkgo can: improve circulation throughout the body; help send more blood and oxygen to the brain to increase memory and mental alertness; return elasticity to hardened blood vessels; relieve vertigo, headaches, ringing in the ears, and depression; neutralize free radicals that damage cellular health and speed aging; reduce inflammation in the lungs; enhances the brain's ability to metabolize glucose, it's primary source of fuel and energy. It can also help retard blood clot development and boost the efficiency of the entire vascular system. A - R - G (Arthritis - Rheumatism - Gout Formula) Here is a combination of herbs that detoxify; act as a solvent for the accepted but not assimilated calcium deposits; herbs that relieve pain; herbs rich in new acceptable organic calcium that can be assimilated and useful; herbs that kill fungus and infection and that have the ability to give wonderful relief. HERB - CAL (Organic Calcium Formula) This is a wonderful natural calcium. The silica in horsetail grass converts to calcium, and the other herbs work in close conjunction with this master calcium herb. The body needs calcium for nerve sheath, vein and artery walls, bones, teeth, etc.. This combination is also good for cramps,"Charlie Horses," and for all of the body's calcium needs. |