Holistic Health Service |
RESEARCH REPORT: COLON HEALTH We are slowly building up toxic residue from all the Hi Stress foods and combinations that we have been eating over a lifetime. Refined products, sugar, chemicals, additives, preservatives, salt, pasteurized milk products, hydrogenated and rancid fats all lead to toxic build-ups in the body and lead to further fatigue, lack of vitality and disease. The result of eating the Hi Stress American diet from infancy to adulthood leads to a thick mucus build-up throughout the digestive tract preventing proper assimilation of nutrients from the food we eat. A normal, healthy colon should eliminate 2-4 bulky stools each day. Some authorities even suggest that it is best to eliminate after each meal. However, the average American diet clogs the colon and the wastes stagnate in it. The stagnant colon has decaying putrefying matter from wrong food choices and wrong food combinations. Scientists have found 36 poisons produced as a result of putrefaction from constipation which are adsorbed through the walls of the intestines and get into the bloodstream, Lymphatics, nervous system, circulatory system, and to the entire body. Along with these poisons can be the food colorings, food additives, preservatives, pesticides and other chemicals that are in and on our food. The liver is the first line of defense to try to keep these poisons from entering the body but because of too many toxins it becomes overloaded and cannot handle this load. The toxicity arising from the colon is a major cause of degenerative disease. At a seminar in Great Britain, attended by leading physicians in the Royal Society of Medicine, it was explained how poisons are constantly bathing delicate body cells and setting up changes which finally result in grave disease. The British physicians concluded that the colon and subsequent poisoning from it leads to infections, cancers, headaches, leg pains, 'arthritis, depression, insomnia, chronic fatigue, difficult concentration, wrinkles, boils, eczema, herpes, lupus, acne, female problems, premenstrual syndrome, circulatory, kidney, liver, respiratory, and colon problems. The list of diseases they gave are inclusive of almost all degenerative diseases of today. These diseases all responded favorably when the toxic colon was dealt with. A toxic body becomes a sick body. Dr. Norman Walker, who made a lifetime of researching the colon, says that it is the number one affliction underlying nearly every ailment and is the primary cause of nearly every disturbance of the human system. The health of the body depends on the colon and toxic buildup in the colon destroys that health. The elimination of undigested food and other waste products is as important as the proper digestion and assimilation of food says Dr. Walker, in Colon Health. Death can be said to begin in the colon. The toxic build-up can interfere with nutrient adsorption even when nutritional intake may be adequate. Proteins, vitamins, and enzymes suffer the most. The nutrient adsorption can be improved by cleansing the gastrointestinal tract with activated charcoal crystals, psyllium husks, and an herbal laxative. When the colon is first cleansed of old, dehydrated, toxic poisons, the Lo Stress Food Combining Diet will have even more of a noticeable impact on one's health. |