Holistic Health Service |
HERBAL FOOD COMBINATIONS FOR BETTER HEALTH Herbs are a wholesome, natural food for the body. We have taken herbs that work extremely well for a particular ailment, and blended them into a special herbal formula. This is done with daily prayer and thanksgiving to God Almighty, for he has given man herbs for a more healthy life. Let us all praise God every day for his blessing of herbs. FACTS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT OUR HERBAL COMBINATIONS Herbs should be known as natural God-given food for the health of our bodies. The herbalist believes and understands that only the body has the ability to heal itself. Herbs are a mere dietetic aid in the process of rebuilding, normalizing, and maintaining the function of the body. To put it simply, herbs help the body to stay healthy. THREE REASONS WHY FORMULAS WORK SO WELL 1) Our formulas are a blend or combination of many herbs that have a similar purpose. These herbs have been traditionally used over hundreds of years. Today there is scientific evidence that these same herbs are a great benefit in helping the body maintain good health. The advantage of using more than one herb can be explained by using the "Herb-Slim" formula as an example. One herb may strengthen and maintain the thyroid gland. Another herb may activate the kidneys to relieve excess water retention. Yet another herb may be particularly useful in normalizing the lower bowels to help eliminate waste from the body. Therefore, an herbal combination stimulates and strengthens more than one body part; and it normalizes other parts of the body in order to improve one's good health. 2) There are primary herbs that work on a specific ailment, nourishing and activating that particular part of the body. Primary herbs are effective in combating ailments in their early stages. Secondary herbs help give support to the primary herbs. Example,' Herb-Slim", the secondary herbs are beneficial in digestion, better circulation, curbing appetite and helping to burn fat. It is in this same way that each formula gives you the most effective method of fighting a particular ailment. 3) In today's lifestyle our diets lack trace minerals that are so important in maintaining good health. Herbs are rich in minerals, especially trace minerals. When a person is deficient in certain minerals, most vitamins cannot be assimilated by the body. |