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SHORT HISTORY OF HERBS IN THE BEGINNING Herbs have been with us from the beginning of time. Man has used herbs to treat his illness for thousands of years. Most of the world's people still continue to use herbs to benefit their bodies. The reason being that they're safe and extremely reliable, with no side effects. They put the body in tune with nature as God intended. The Bible tells us many times to use herbs for the benefit of the body's health. In Genesis God tells us. 'I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.' In Ezekiel the Lord says, 'the fruit of the tree is for man's meat, and the leaves for man's medicine.' EGYPTIANS Ancient Egyptians were highly skilled with herbs. The Papyrus Ebers, an ancient text written in 1500 B.C., contains references to more than 700 herbal remedies, including herbs such as: aloe, caraway seeds, poppy, and garlic. CHINESE The Chinese have practiced herbal use for 5000 years. There is one Chinese medical text written around 2700 B.C. in which thirteen herbal prescriptions were listed. The Chinese are noted for their knowledge and use of ginseng. Many Chinese believe regular use of this herb prolongs life. GREEKS Hippocrates, the “father of medical literature” as he was called, was so far as we know, the first man who practiced medicine as an art. Hippocrates believed and taught that in nature there was strength to cure disease. Often Hippocrates used diet and herbs as the basis of treatment. ROMANS The medical inheritance of ancient Egypt passed to Greece, then to Rome. The Roman empire used herbal remedies quite extensively. Mandrake herb was used in Roman times as an anesthetic. PRESENT DAY Herbalists today believe and seek to help people build their good health with natural sources. Herbs are considered to be food rather than medicine because they're complete, all natural and pure; as nature intended. When herbs are taken, the body starts to be cleansed, purifying itself. This slowly gives the body nutrients to function as God intended. Unlike chemically synthesized, highly concentrated drugs that produce countless side effects, herbs = realign the body's defenses, helping it to heal itself, without any side effects. Herbs do not produce instant miracle cures, but rather offer a way to put the body in tune with nature.