Holistic Health Service |
We are pleased and proud to be the company you have selected as the supplier of products and support materials for your new business. You bring your talents and your dreams of a better future. We have for you a blend of strong principles, outstanding products and programs, and people dedicated to helping you succeed. It all adds up to opportunity--the opportunity to increase your skills, to plan, to work, and to shape your future with your own actions. We suspect you are a person who is concerned, committed, and hopeful. We know you will be successful as an independent H.H.S. Distributor ... because this enterprise is more than a business. We are involved in Providing health, help and hope to our friends and neighbors, and out of that helping comes a unique opportunity. An opportunity to be your own boss, work your own hours, and earn as much as you are willing to work for. With H. H. S., you can augment your income without leaving the security of your present job or you can create a full-time professional opportunity unlike any other in the networking industry. Some of the people you care about most are not going to join H.H.S. If You understand that some people simply don't want to try something new, and some fear change, you will avoid some of the disappointments that will be part of your growth. Once you have shared H.H.S. with someone, have trained them to the best of Your ability, it's up to them to put in the time and effort needed for success. The Holistic Health Service Compensation Plan THE POWER OF DUPLICATION Would you rather have a million dollars today, or one penny doubled every day for the next month? Well, a million dollars is a large sum of money, but believe it or not, a penny doubled every day for the next 30 days is even more! As a matter of fact, if I gave you one penny today, two pennies tomorrow, four pennies the next day, and so on, by the end of 30 days you would have received over 10 million dollars! This example illustrates a very powerful principle - the principle of Duplication, and it is the power of duplication that can make your H. H. S. business so exciting. Simply put, H. H. S. Duplication means teaching others to do as you have done, That is, you teach the H. H. S. Distributors that you have sponsored to share the H. H. S. products and marketing opportunity with others. When they do, you receive a commission on their sales and marketing efforts. They, in tern, teach their sponsored distributors to duplicate their efforts, thereby creating even more sales and marketing advances. AU the while, you receive commission on the volume generated by your organization. The Principle of Duplication is as old as business itself. The famous industrialist J. Paul Getty once said, "I would rather earn 1% of the efforts of 100 men than 100% of my own efforts.' That’s because he, as well as virtually all other financially successful people in our society, understood the power of duplication ... the power of earning from the efforts of others. H. H. S. places the Principle of Duplication within the grasp of all its distributors by allowing you to build an organization of consumers and distributors, and paying you for the sales volume generated by that organization. The Company can do this because they are not paying any of the middlemen usually associated with more traditional forms of marketing. So you see, your income potential with H. H. S. is not limited to what you can accomplish in a 24-hour day, because by taking advantage of the Principle of Duplication, you can be rewarded for the efforts of many and make your financial dreams come true! |